Cyanoacrylate infiltrant for 3D printing

Permabond and Samaro launch a new cyanoacrylate adhesive specifically designed for 3D printing : Permabond 3D90.

1438248083.jpgThe selective laser sintering process (also called “SLS” or “3D printing by sintering powder”) is a 3D printing technique used to make prototypes and 3D objects.
A roller spread a powder (polyamide for example) in a uniform layer. A laser then traces a 2D pattern on the surface of the powder, making the powder to sintering. Then a new layer of powder is applied over the entire surface, and layer by layer, the process is repeated until the part is complete. When the priniting is over, you can remove the excess powder and have your solid 3D object.

The printed parts and prototypes and are quite fragile and brittle. A common technique to stiffen them and make them stronger is to dip them into a bath of ultra fluid cyanoacrylate (called “infiltrant”). Thanks to its low viscosity, the cyanoacrylate penetrates the pores, and makes the 3D-printed parts more resistant to shock.

Characteristics :
Technology: alkoxy-ethyl cyanoacrylate
Transparent, no blooming
Viscosity: 4 mPa.s
Handling time: 10 to 30 seconds
Mechanical strength: 20 MPa
Temperature resistance : -30 ° C to + 80 ° C

Technical and safety data sheets are available here: (add links to the product page)

This new product is available in 500g or 2kg bottles. For any additional information, contact Samaro’s technical department at 04.26.680.680.

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